Archive for July, 2009

A short bio

Tuesday, July 14th, 2009

Although I have introduced myself a thousand times today, simply stating a first name, surname, and hometown does not do any person justice…

My name is Allison Miller. As a rising senior at Carlisle School in Martinsville, Virginia, my challenges to overcome in high school’s last year will be great; the largest of which will be handling a full IB schedule along with being yearbook editor. Other activities I must tend to are sports (dance, soccer, and a state ranked field hockey team), being a member of the school’s literary magazine club, and actively participating in school drama productions. I also appreciate  getting involved in my student government as SCA treasurer and have held office in the honor council. Along with this challengeing load, it is up to I and each other student of Carlisle School to find time in our hectic schedules to reach out to the community. So far, my areas of service include: three years of repairing houses on the Appalachian  Service Project, one year of both the magistry math club (to tutor children) and the interact club, a week in Honduras aiding in medical mission, and various hours at my local habitat for humanity.

…now, will any of that help me pass IB TOK?

I can only hope

Interview (kinda) at GMU radio

Tuesday, July 14th, 2009


Hello world!

Sunday, July 12th, 2009

Welcome to onMason. This is your first post. Edit or delete it, then start blogging!